South Kingsville Community Centre
30 Birthday Celebration

Stallholder Terms and Conditions

For the use of stalls at South Kingsville Community Centre (SKCC).


1. These terms and conditions apply to all persons operating stall sites at the event.

For the purposes of these terms and conditions, “person” includes any person who applies for a stall (‘Applicant’) and any person who occupies that stall for the purpose of selling goods regardless of whether they are the Applicant or not. A person includes a corporation.

3. These Terms and Conditions may be amended from time to time at the sole discretion of SKCC including by the addition, deletion or variation of terms and conditions.

4. Where SKCC amends the Terms and Conditions it will post them on its website within a reasonable time. SKCC will also have copies of the new Terms and Conditions available at the event. Applicants will be deemed to have agreed to the amendments by continuing to maintain a stall at the event.

6. SKCC reserves the right to publish photographic images of Applicant stallholders and/ or their stall sites taken at the event for use in their promotional material.


7. Applicants must comply with all relevant laws and any requirement of any authority including Council and the use of the stall sites.

8. Applications must comply with all directions given by persons representing SKCC.

9. Any breach of the Terms and Conditions by an Applicant may, at the absolute discretion of SKCC, result in the booking and or allocation of a stall site being withdrawn, and or / further bookings of site stalls not being accepted.


10. An applicant has no right to a stall and the allocation of a stall is at the sole discretion of SKCC which is not obliged to provide any reason for its decision(s).

12. Where an applicant is granted a site for a stall, the Applicants allocation of a stall and its ongoing use is subject to the Applicant agreeing to and continuing to comply with the Terms and Conditions.

13. Where SKCC considers a booking or allocation to be detrimental to the event or other stallholders, or stall configuration is required to be changed, SKCC expressly reserves the right to:

a. Cancel any booking of a stall site; and / or

b. Reallocate a stall site irrespective of the stall site number indicated on a stallholder’s ticket in circumstances; or

c. Cancel any booking in circumstances where a stallholder has submitted false or misleading information.

14. SKCC reserves the right to determine any dispute between Applicants in so far as any such dispute is in connection with the event or the use and occupation of stall sites.


15. Applicants must ensure that their activities (both actions and omissions) do not endanger the safety or security of any persons at the event.

16. Applicants must report to persons representing SKCC any incident or accident to any person or property that involves a risk to health and safety, injury, loss or could otherwise be expected to give rise to a claim.


17. At the time the Applicant is advised that it has been allocated a stall it must pay the required fee (“the fee”).

18. Applicants who operate a food van must hold their own insurance.

Stall holders are NOT covered on SKCC insurance and must have their own insurance.


19. The event trading hours are 10.00am – 2.00pm. Stall site may be occupied from 8am for set up.

20. Stall sites not occupied by 9.30am may be forfeited without refund.

21. The applicant must pack up its stall site and ensure that the event is returned to empty by 3.00pm.22 Stall holders are not allowed to pack up before 2.00pm (end of the event).


23. Applicants may only operate within their allocated stall site. The use of walkways between stall sites and vacant stall sites for the placing or storage of goods is prohibited.

24. Applicants do not have the right to sublet or resell to other persons without the written consent of SKCC.

25. Applicants must keep their stall sites clean and orderly and the surrounding areas free from rubbish and litter at all times. All rubbish and unsold goods must be removed from the event and / or car park promptly and at least by 2 pm.

26. All stall equipment including tables, signage etc must be contained to the stall site boundaries. Public access ways must be clear at all times.


27. Applicants must behave with courtesy and respect towards members of the public, other stallholders, persons representing SKCC and volunteers.

28. Applicants must not consume alcohol or drugs at the event and must not attend their stalls if they are in any way impaired by alcohol or drugs.

29. Loud product promotion by Applicants is not permitted.

30. Animals are not permitted.

31. Applicants are expected to take their waste with them when they leave the stall site and not to dump or otherwise dispose of their waste or unsold goods in the waste bins provided at the event.


32. The Applicant uses and occupies the event and / Car Park and / or the stall site allocated to him, her or them at their own risk and releases SKCC from all claims, causes of action, complaints, liability, demands, costs of expenses that any person might have in connection with or arising in any way from the use and / or occupation of the event and / or Car Park and / or stall site by the Applicant or people acting for or on behalf of the Applicant.

33. The Applicant indemnifies and holds harmless SKCC, including event management, staff and volunteers, against all claims, causes of action, complaints, liability, demands, costs or expenses that any person might have in connection with or arising in any way from the use and / or occupation of the event / Car Park and / or stall site by the Applicant or people acting for or on behalf of the Applicant.

34. The Applicant indemnifies SKCC for any action against it for stolen or illegal goods sold by the Applicant.

35. SKCC takes no responsibility for the safe keeping of personal property of stallholders or rummagers while at the event. The security of your takings, goods and personal items is your own responsibility.

36. SKCC have a NO Refund policy. We currently do not offer refunds for stall fees and cannot transfer your stall fees to another month or event. We will refund all stall fees if the event is cancelled by SKCC and only in this instance. If you do not agree with this policy, then please think carefully before you purchase your ticket online.

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South Kingsville Community Centre acknowledges the peoples of the Kulin nation as the Traditional Owners of these municipal lands and waterways. We pay respect to Elders past, present and emerging and through them to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.